Friday, February 15, 2008


Ola! Just thought I'd post some answers to two questions frequently asked :

1) Why only quickies/3D doodles/sketches/schmoe work?
Well.. I'll post up anything depending on how much time I had to make it. If I ever work on something heavy, I'll post it up too - but at the moment I'm just limiting myself to around 3 hours for each piece. Kinda hectic between classes (did I forget to mention I'm a teacher? maybe) and other projects.

2) What are my computer specs?
Old OLD old 3.0 Ghz processor from around 4 years back, before today's fancy HT and duo-core stuff *sob*, 1GB RAM *sniff*, and an old 6-series Geforce display card *sigh*. Still works well enough to make stuff though... but it gets pretty choked up at times.

...and one more specially for a confused Mr. Pietr :P
3) What means 'tikusatuih'?
just a silly play on the word 'ratatouille'. 'tikus' means 'mouse/rat' in malay.. and 'aaa-tuih!' is basically the sound one makes during long-distance spitting 0_0

Okay, enough with the words. Another weekend piece coming soon!

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